CTK Kitchen Protocols
Kitchen Use & Rentals
For Church Members: The Kitchen is free to use for CTK members, but you must schedule ahead of time to reserve the space, and fill out the Event Form if you are organizing an event to be held at the church.
For Non-Members: The Kitchen is available to rent for local small businesses and non-profit organizations. Please contact us in the CTK office if you’re interested.
Dishes: All dishes must be soaked and rinsed with hot water in the two dish sinks & then sanitized in the dishwasher. Do not dry dishes with towels - air dry only on the wire rack behind the sinks.
Surfaces: All countertops and equipment surfaces must be wiped down and sanitized with a bleach solution, using the rags provided. You may mix the bleach solution in one of the red buckets, or use one of the spray bottles of solution for smaller areas.
Bleach solution = 1 tablespoon per gallon of water
Used or dirty towels may be left in the towel basket; if you find the basket is getting full, please let the Church Office know.
Floors: The kitchen floor must be swept and mopped (you can find these supplies in the cleaning closets in the bathroom hallway.)
Trash & Recycling: All trash MUST BE REMOVED and placed in the dumpster, even if it’s only a little bit. SERIOUSLY, DON’T LEAVE ANY TRASH BEHIND!
Leaving: When you leave: make sure the AC units are off, windows shut, lights off, and door locked.
Ovens & Range: The ovens are convection style and very powerful; you may want to test them out beforehand, or keep a close eye on them while baking. Take care to secure any loose foil, as it will get sucked into the fan. The range hood is programmed to turn on once the heat from the stove or oven reaches a certain temperature. You do not have the option to turn the hood fan off. Please clean up any spills or leftover food in the ovens or on the range top.
Cooking/Serving Equipment: You are welcome to use any of our pots, pans, utensils, etc. provided that you clean them properly afterward.
Grill & Deep Fryer: Please refrain from using the grill or the deep fryer unless you have significant experience or expertise in that type of commercial equipment.
Food Preparation
Wash your hands thoroughly and often using the hand sink
Wear gloves and replace them often while preparing and serving food
Use sinks for their intended use only
We have very limited food storage; please do not leave food items in the fridge or freezer without permission from the CTK office.
Raw food (meat, dairy, eggs, etc.) must be stored on bottom shelves below ready-to-eat food.
Do not store anything food-related on or near the floor, in the kitchen or pantry.
Forms & Contact Information
In case of an emergency, call Rev. Marcella at 845-554-9111 or Ryan Basten at 845-901-7369