2025 Pledge Card

Annual Giving at CTK

Source of life and blessing,
of garden, orchard, field,
root us in obedience to you
and nourish us by your ever-flowing Spirit,
that, perceiving only the good we might do,
our lives may be fruitful,
our labor productive,
and our service useful,
in communion with Jesus, our brother. Amen.

The prayer for fruitful lives, productive labor, and useful service is the most straightforward and powerful call to Christian vocation that I can imagine right now. In a national and global context that feels unstable and out of control, this prayer is a reminder to remain rooted in our values and focus our energy and resources in our communities. Our work as the Church during these unprecedented and volatile times is as pragmatic as it is spiritual. We are called to prayer, contemplation, and faithful conversation; as well as proactive, intentional, and loving service to one another and to our neighbors. Annual Giving at CTK is not only an opportunity to invest in the fruitful spiritual work that CTK is doing, but to participate in the grounding and empowering project of tending to our corner of the vineyard (or orchard) here in the Rondout Valley.

As we move towards 2025, we are asking you to prayerfully discern what you can pledge in support of the financial well-being of this parish. Your pledge ensures that CTK can operate fully and carry out its ministry and missions through the year. There is no pledge of financial support that is too small. What matters is that you participate at a level that feels right for you. If you have questions or need some guidance on how much to pledge in the coming year, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the wardens. Please plan on returning your pledge card on Sunday, November 24, when we will gather to bless our collection of pledges and celebrate our parish feast day of Christ the King.

In faith and with hope,
The Reverend Marcella Gillis, Rector

Tim Sweeney, Treasurer | Bob Murphy & Ryan Basten, Wardens

The 2025 Annual Giving Team: Laurel Sweeney, Jeff DaPuzzo, Tony McGinty, Robyn Boyd & Jim Sullivan