The initiation rites of the Episcopal Church provide an opportunity to renew the promises that were made on our behalf if and when we were baptized as babies. It is a time of discernment and exploration that culminates with the choice to commit to moving deeper into a life of faith in the Episcopal Church.

Confirmation/Reaffirmation at CTK is an experiential, reflective and conversational engagement with the Baptismal Covenant of the Episcopal Church. Designed for both teens and adults, the course consists of monthly group dinner sessions paired with asynchronous assignments and projects throughout the month. The goal of this course is to foster a deeper relationship with God and the Church through communion with one another, active participation in worship, and loving service in the wider community.

Course Outline 
Session 1: Baptism, Confirmation & the Covenant
Session 2: Teaching, Bread & Prayer 
Session 3: Word & Example 
Session 4: Repent & Return 
Session 5: Seek & Serve 
Session 6: Justice, Peace & Dignity

If you would like to learn more or sign up, please contact the Rev. Marcella Gillis

& Reaffirmation